A virtual board meeting is an excellent way for the board of directors of a nonprofit organization to gather without the need to travel. However, online meetings can create unique challenges that need to be addressed. Certain issues can be solved by simply using the right tools for your needs; others require more thoughtfulness and attention. Fortunately, there are a variety of resources available to help organize your online board meeting efficiently and effectively.

An agenda that is well-planned will allow you to increase the effectiveness of your online board meeting. Make sure you include specific discussion items with the time allotted and the the desired conclusion for each item. This will keep the meetings on track and stop them from drifting away from the main subject or taking too much time.

It’s a good idea to ensure that all of your board members are aware of the tools they will require prior to you start the meeting. Give clear instructions on how to log into the video conference and to encourage them to shut down any program that could use up bandwidth or interfere with audio. Also, remind them to avoid a brightly lit space when they’re joining in case it’s difficult for others to see their screens.

The best tool to conduct an online board meeting is https://board-room.blog/best-data-rooms-for-secure-and-affordable-file-storage/ a collaboration app that makes it simple for board members to prepare and attend virtual meetings. Choose an application that includes an editor for boards that can help you cut down on the time required to prepare for meetings. It should also have the capability to distribute meeting materials and agendas in advance. Find an application that lets you share documents in real time and lets participants highlight and add annotations.